
We want to protect this earth for the generations to come. To do this we are addressing our environmental impact. Every day we’re learning new ways in which we can produce our clothing more sustainably.
These are some of the things that we are doing right now.

We have offset the carbon emissions of our direct operations. Now we're working on reducing the emissions that we are linked to.

Energy use
We’re focusing on reducing the energy consumption of our head office, warehouses and stores, as well as consolidating our energy contracts so that we can make greener choices moving forward.


Circular economy
We are striving for a more circular economy. A circular economy focuses on using fewer resources and using them more efficiently; reusing waste and creating a product that is durable and can be recycled back into the system. By 2024, we aim to have a system in place for the resale or recycling of all unsold lingerie from our stores.